Going But Never Gone

Going, Going Never Gone

Selling out one Sunday 
Telling everything
She was just a friend
(All I needed was everything)
Who became a shining Queen

-I would not be lonesome again
I could not be her king
So I became the stumbling hero here
Oh the memory stings

Remember her lying wake most nights
Lying to myself so I can sleep
After I sing about the repetition for the crowd again
I'll drown out the memory with six strings

Not So Merry Going Around Again
Gotta get myself outta this lonely Place
Starving from the Distances Within
Grasping for grace from my mistakes
Talking with a picture frame
She may be Running, Running outta here
But I am going, going but I’m never gone

Seemed like the perfect escape
Just another magazine face
We were both artist and forgot it
Singing someone else's song

-Left my mind in Memory Land
-Left my faith in Dreams of France
-Left another mark upon my heart
-Left my devotion with the scars
I should have left this sick cycle years but now it been too long

Not So Merry Going Around Again
Gotta get myself outta this lonely Place
Starving from the Distances Again
Grasping for grace from my mistakes
Talking with a picture frame
She may be Running, Running outta here
But I am going, going but I’m never gone

Out without my gravity
Latch onto stars I find
Sooner than I'd like they fade away
This astronaut moves on

Not So Merry Going Around Again
Gotta get myself outta this lonely Place
Starving from the Distances Within
Grasping for grace from my mistakes
Talking with a picture frame
She may be Running, Running outta here
But I am going, going but I’m never gone

Going, Going, Never Gone is about something that all of us in America are very familiar with, Loneliness. We are in fact, possibly the most isolated generation in the most isolated Nation in History. In just one century we went from being raised in a home with two parents, multiple siblings, often grandparents perhaps and usually aunts and uncle down the street with multiple cousins and distant relatives. We also had a strong faith community and nearly everyone around us had known us since we were born and everyone in our neighborhood would be more or less the same religion, socio-economic status, education level and have the same political views. I am certain there were lonely people, but loneliness was not the norm and neither was divorce, nursing homes, moving “away” to college, or “away” to a job, or “away” to get married, large houses that are far from homes or churches that are far from communities and friends that are far from confidants and secret keepers. Their lives many have been mundane but they were not lonesome. Not the concept of lonesome that so many of us have learned to accept of “life”.
All of our visible “prosperity” and our technology that allows for cell phones and automobiles and factories and processed foods and daycares and nursing homes has come with a heavy price, its own peculiar and invisible form of poverty. After the automobile we could date which let us choose spouses apart from our families which led to a divorce culture that has led to one parent homes. The factories pushed young people to leave home and live away from their parents for the first time, first with dorm parents and then completely on their own, and then the factories employed women which placed the children in daycares and public schools to be raised by strangers instead of their parents. Now we have the mechanisms of false intimacy called telecommunications technology that takes the sting off of loneliness but never heals the wound completely, it just merely makes the lonely lives we lead in pursuit of the dollar justifiable enough to not demand change. Technology has also allowed for a merciless competition between the real people in our real lives such as friends and spouses that we have real faces for and not just carefully cropped and chosen profile pictures and plotted words. Who could satisfy us when the competition is not only the millions of faces across the globe but millions of fake or carefully chosen faces and snippets of lives at that?
“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? “ Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Loneliness is the chief complaint of foreign exchange students to the United States (and I have known many through my time as an exchange student). There are few if any hugs (it takes 7 a day just to maintain a healthy immune system), our teenagers in single parent no sibling no grandparent homes are so starved for it they are all turning up pregnant in middle school, it’s not a raging hormone problem it’s a breaking heart problem. A visitor to the American Dream Land will find few if any house siblings, and rarely a house mother AND a house father. Our lives to them are so full of money and technology but so lacking in moments and so lacking in family members and community and connection and commitment. Our ideas of family and friends and community and even Church to many from other cultures seem just as fake as the “food” we see in boxes at the grocery store with ingredients most chemists couldn’t pronounce. It is a cruel thing we have purchased for ourselves, this “progress” which has been a full blown addiction to the sociologists and politicians and activists but has been poison to all of the essential “organs” that help a society to breathe and to grow and have life.
“My Parents they have their Religion, but sleep in separate Houses” Connor Orbst, lead singer of the Indie Folk Band “Bright Eyes” which speaks for its generation a “razor perception that cuts just a little too deep” as Duritz sings.
My adopted Dad once praised the television show “Duck Dynasty” because it brought families back to the dinner table, and also prayer back to the family dinner table, a nd along with him millions of Americans marveled at the show because of something so simple and basic and necessary actually be practiced in a family. Are we really at a place in our Nation where a family eating together and staying together and having each other back’s becomes a hit television series?
“Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the manshould be alone;
I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18
Going, Going, Never Gone was written about what seems to be my perpetual situation in life, a scenario that the one who created you and me and every other human being on the planet said is “Not Good”, I am a man and I am alone. When He said “It is Not Good for man to be alone” this was before death entered the world. This was before sickness, before abuse, before poverty, before wars and famines and murders. In this perfect world without pain or trauma or loss or struggle with Yeshua (Jesus) walking elbows length from Adam said it was already “Not Good” for man to be alone, how much more so in the world East of Eden? It was The Creator Himself who found a bride for Isaac named Rebecca “to comfort him after the death of his mother”, as the Creator uses people (primarily spouses and children) to heal the hearts that have been wounded by the world East of Eden.
I am 36 as of this writing, single for 3 years after an 8 week pseudo-marriage that was just a ceremony in a living room, and a 6 year experience the world called a marriage but I just knew as a “committed loneliness” of two people choosing to be lonely together because it is easier to be lonely if you share a house and it is also easier to raise children lonely with someone than it is to actually do so alone. When we met I was attending college to become a foreign language teacher and move back overseas and she was a closet lesbian looking for some financial security and a way to get out of the town she grew up in and a means of having a “normal” life even if it was with someone she wasn’t attracted to and didn’t respect or love. We both really hated our father’s though with reasons to feel like we had no real family (my had nearly all passed away and she pushed hers away at every turn) and that hurt seemed to be our only real bond, a pair of January friends exchanging rings that had two daughters together and shared a roof for 6 years.
“Desperado, why don't you come to your senses
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow
Don't you draw the Queen of Diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's able
You know the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet” The Eagles
We were married when I was 27, after literally hundreds of movies alone, dinners alone, long walks alone, thoughts and sunsets favorite songs and Kodak Moments that no one ever knew about. The truth that no one ever tells you about loneliness is that it hurts the most not in those moments when life is ugly, but in those moments when life is beautiful. Visits to 11 Countries, Mission Trips, Half Way House Miracles, Big Brothers Big Sisters and of course countless funerals and disasters and tragedies thrown in with it, all walked alone and with no witness to my life (the saying is very true “We ALL need a witness to our lives”). After a few years the loneliness will break your Heart, and after a while it breaks your Mind, and then after that it breaks your Spirit, and when the Spirit is broken everything you never thought you would tolerate becomes the very things you come to miss. “Come back and abuse me, come back and ignore my feelings and my thoughts and my needs, come back and break me, come back and remind me of every reason that I am not good enough for you and your kind and never will be, but please just come back so I don’t have to be alone.” You become what is called Co-Dependent.
“Its Heaven for the Cruel but the Devil waits for the Kind, Braille for the Deaf and Sign Post for the Blind” Passenger’s song “Caravan”
Just like the addiction to alcohol has a program with cheap coffee in the basement of Methodist Churches (Alcoholics Anonymous), and the addiction to drugs (Narcotics Anonymous), and addiction to people addicted to these things (Al-Anon), there is also a program for those addicted to whatever poison person they take to kill their loneliness and kill their heart and soul with it. That program is called CODA (Co-Dependents Anonymous), they have the chips and coins and meetings just like all of the other addictions, this is just a people addiction. One thing you learn about in CODA is that if you allow people to stab your heart until it stops just as long as they stay within arm’s reach, you most likely have learned to push all of your friends and family away because you cannot trust or accept their love, it’s just too dangerous to let all of these random people in. “Celebrate Recovery” is a great program if you can find one in your area and if focuses on healing from your Creator instead of constant focus on your brokenness (how most of us walked into theses messes to begin with) as the path to learning to live again.
“So don’t try to bleed me, because I’ve been here before and I deserve a little more. I belong, in the service of the queen, well I belong anywhere but in between, and I am the Rain King” Counting Crow’s song “The Rain King”
Co-Dependents choose one person and open the door for just this one and let them wreck us inside while locking everyone else outside so that no one can help, no matter the heart screams. Forgive me for switching to the third person but with the grace of my Creator I have finally broken free of Co-Dependency, which is the focus of the last entry of this book. The people Co-Dependents let in if they are Empaths (those who both sense and absorb the emotions of people around them) are often called Narcissists in Psychology (masters at sensing and manipulating the emotions of the people around them). Narcissists (also called Jezebel Spirits) specialize in finding the keys to the heart shaped box of other people that give too much and ask for too little in return, and leaving with everything in the house.
“Who do you think you are? Running around leaving Scars. Collecting your Jar of Hearts. But I have grown too strong, to ever fall back in your arms. I learned to live half alive but now you want me one more time” Christina Perry’s song about leaving a Narcissist is possibly the perfect description of that sick cycle of lies.
“You put your arms around me and I’m home” Christina Perry
There are many tribes of people who are prone to become True Romantics, those who value invisible successes or visible one and who values moments over money and hearts and minds over trophies and titles (Co-Dependents, which is the Shadow Side of True Romantic, as those who are not True Romantics wouldn’t let someone interfere with their Visible or Wordly Success). Those the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator would call “Introverts” or “Intuitives” or “Feelers” or “Judgers” are all candidates for being True Romantics. Introverts because they only allow a select few people into their life, Intuitives because they value the intangibles most of all, Feelers because they are guided by the passions and needs of their hearts and Judgers because they value loyalty despites circumstances. Anyone who has experienced great loss is also likely to become a True Romantic because they have learned to value the Hello of those their heart treasures because they have heard far too many last goodbyes, often unplanned last goodbyes. Those who have known loss are often in the company of those who have never known loss because they have known only lack, especially a lack of “Home”. The Orphans, the Foster Children, the lost souls born into broken homes, “The Love Sick Rejections that Accompany the Company I keep” as the Counting Crows sing in “Ms. Potter”.

“A safe home, and a warm bed, on a quiet little street. That’s all she ever wanted, that’s all she needs. If I could be like, I would give anything to live one day, in those shoes” 3 Doors Down
At the end of the day, all that we want is “A safe home, and a warm bed, on a quiet little street” yet the desperation which we seek this chase away those who would most be able to give us exactly that, and if our desperation for it doesn’t chase them away then the speed with which we demand it will send them running home to the suburbs. Assuming the fact that we have never experienced what they take for granted doesn’t disturb them in their souls so deeply that they avoid “Hello.” So we toss our heart to whoever is walking by and most often it falls amongst the stones or into careless hands or sometimes into malicious hands or simply into curious hands who have never seen a heart like this but will return it with a band-aide and apology once the mystery of our pain is no longer sexy. In the film “Good Will Hunting” Matt Damon’s character called it “going slumming”
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”
Proverbs 13:12
When all is said and done, the whole duty of mankind (the reason he was given a heart) is to serve the Creator and guard His instructions as Ecclesiastes tells us. This is the path to finding good people who are careful with hearts, the path to finding something worth risking your heart for, the path to an eternal home. The King, the Kingdom and the Kingdom Builders is what our hearts are made for. In the moments where we feel a step closer to home we are experiencing a taste of the promise for the life to come, for all we missed in this world, what Martin Luther called “The Communion of Souls”, the Home we have never really known.
“Therefore they are before the throne of God,
and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.
16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore;
the sun shall not strike them,
nor any scorching heat.
17 For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd,
and he will guide them to springs of living water,
and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
Revelation 7:15

http://www.coda.org/ (Co-Dependents Anonymous)
http://www.celebraterecovery.com/ (Celebrate Recovery)

Prayer for Those Never Home

Creator of Hearts
We are here for Salvation
Salvation for our Spirits yes, but also for our Souls
Recue for our Mind, our Will, our Hearts
Our Hearts most of All
Cause we leave them in rocky hands and they come back Bruised
Cause we send them to wolves and they come back Torn
Cause we send them to find the Light and they get lost in the Dark
Our Hearts most of All
Cause we only ask for Love from those who know what they Want
When they want more than We’ve Got and less than We Are
Cause they never stopped to ask you what we are Worth
But we can’t really blame them Alone
Cause we are the ones who forgot it First

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them shall fall to the ground apart from your Father’s consent. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29

Resource: “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” by Joshua Harris


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